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What is the difference between imposition printing and independent printing?

Time:2021-03-13 Views:4260
Firstly : Different printing methods

1. Imposition printing (coupling printing): also known as coupling printing, which combines the same paper, the same weight, the same number of colors, and the same print volume from different customers into a large plate, making full use of the offset printing machine Area, forming the advantages of batch and scale printing, sharing printing costs together, to achieve the purpose of saving plate making and printing costs.

2. Single-page printing (special edition printing): namely special edition printing, independent edition printing specially set up. According to the relative position of the graphic and non-graphic area on the printing plate.

Second , the price is different

Co-printing is usually 10-200% lower than the price of special printing.

Third , the application is different

1)Imposition printing (combined printing): Mainly suitable for printing jobs with low printing requirements and fixed specifications, such as: business card printing, DM sheet printing, poster printing, self-adhesive printing, greeting card printing, picture album printing, etc.

2)Exclusive printing (special printing): It is mainly for exclusive printing of selecting suitable paper, ink, color palette, etc. for a product. If there are only one or two new products, and it is not the kind of small bags, they usually use special editions.

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