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Do these four steps well, paper is not afraid of moisture

Time:2022-11-16 Views:4177
1. Keep the storage warehouse dry and control the humidity
    If conditions permit, add a dehumidifier or start a small fan to increase convection. When necessary, we can put some desiccant and so on, so as to prevent the damage caused by the humid air to the kraft paper.

2. Regularly check whether the bottom of the pallet is damaged and prevent the paper from contacting the ground directly
    The height of the pallet should be more than 10 cm. The pallet is a whole plate instead of a strip. This can greatly reduce the direct contact surface between kraft paper and humid air, so as to achieve moisture-proof effect.

3. Enclosing film to enclose, rather than only one layer to do formal work
    The sealing film is also carried out synchronously with the pallet. Whether the sealing film is standardized and strict, and whether it can prevent the contact between water vapor and kraft paper to the maximum extent plays a crucial role. If it is not used up after opening the bag, it should be sealed with a sealing film in time to reduce the contact time between paper and humid air.

4. paper placement, pallet between the pallet should have a large gap, easy to air circulation
    After the day clears up, you can open the Windows to speed up indoor air circulation and discharge the moisture in the warehouse.

    The most important thing is to prepare for a rainy day. As long as we finish the preventive measures, strictly according to the process of operation, is completely can avoid the occurrence of such events as moisture on kraft paper.
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