Are you in the printing industry and finding the calculation of paperweight and thickness of paper difficult?
Are you in the printing industry and finding the calculation of paperweight and thickness of paper difficult?
Does your most work revolve around papers?
So do not worry. We have got you covered; by this informative article about what different types of measures are used to determine papers weights and which helps to know the thickness of the paper.
Types of Paper Weight:
The standard types of measurement for paper weight are following:
GSM ( Gram per square meter) :
GSM is the most used for all types of paper. It is also called a Grammage. This quantity is known to be the basic weight.
The paperweight of normal paper sheets used in offices is 60 or 80 GSM.
The weight of high-quality paper is 100-120 GSM.
It helps to determine how much wood pulp should be used to convert it to paper. The more accurate paperweight you are aware of, the easier it is to achieve the desired quality of the paper.
Hence, if the GSM is high. The requirement of wood pulp to convert to paper is also high.
Another measure of the thickness of the paper is using an instrument called a caliper. The unit used for the measurements of this instrument is called Points. According to this measure, one point represents 1/1000 of an inch.
As a rough example for understanding, if a paper has a 0.010-inch thickness, it has a 10 point paper.
Some other examples should be for further clarification:
14 pt = 0.014”
11 pt = 0.011”
35pt = 0.035”
Points are used for card and cover stocks.
In this measurement system, if 500 sheets are 30 pounds. In the uncut version, that means when it did not go to processing for paper making. It will be called 30 Lbs stock.
One can also convert pounds to GSM for easy calculations of the thickness of the paper.
For example:
3lb of text paper = 3*1.48gsm = 4.44gsm
It shows how 1lbs should be multiplied by 1.48 gsm to convert it into GSM.
Therefore this is highly important to check the weight and thickness of the paper to determine where to use it and where it will have a good impact. These measurement types help in this process for the people who are into printing stuff like educational books, brochures, flyers, cookbooks, etc.
More knowledge about paper weight.
Suitable Paper Thickness Suggestions
There is a need for many different things, for which the usage of distinct paper types and thickness of the paperis crucial. Following is the suggestion guide to select an appropriate paperweight and thickness:
For Novels & Workbook:
You are someone who is into the printing industry, or self-publishing your novel or workbook. Then 80 GSM weight (0.065 mm thickness of paper) should be selected, as it helps the novel be more welcoming and easy to read. Moreover, this selection did not cost much.
Hence, this should be inspected, before giving your novel into printing. Customers are satisfied with a good quality novel as it enhances their reading experience.
For Comic, Booklet, or Flyer:
We would suggest 105 GSM weight (0.085 mm thickness of paper) for comic books, booklets, flyers, and things like these as it gives the option of many inner pages.
This weight is a beneficial option for people who are into making creative things. This weight and thickness give it a premium-quality feel. It enhances the customer experience. In case a thinner paper; would be selected. It would show how quality is compromised.
For Magazines, Catalogs:
You have to print magazines or catalogs, so the most appropriate weight should be 128gsm (0.105 mm thickness of paper) paper.
It is the most in-demand option to select. It gives you premium quality and hence satisfied customers. Hence, this thickness of paper can be said, customer-friendly.
This proves how important it is to select the paper thickness according to the customer guidelines. To build long customer relations.
For Children books, Artbooks, and cookbooks:
You are in creative printing of Children’s books, art books, cookbooks, or any guide books like these.
Then the most suitable weight is 157gsm paper (0. 135 mm thickness of paper). Many high-end books or catalogs choose this option. It helps them to manage the art and illustrations accordingly.
This option proves to be the most appropriate for art books and Children’s books. As it gives them that room to make it more dynamic and following customers’ tastes.
Hence, it shows different weights and dimensions are needed to be adjusted whenever the papers are used in different shapes and aspects.
Therefore, it proves how paperweight and thickness of paper play an important role in making the quality of paper the best.